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Error get alias
Error get alias
Is your digital strategy a human one?
Explore Power BI, Excel, and Python as your decision-making power. One master class, three advances.

Master class «Digital Transformation with BI tools and Digital Training Presentation»

Language of master class: Russian

  • Is your digital strategy a human one? Data-driven approach to our job.
  • How organizations store data and reports? Power BI for your Service.
  • Is it time to say goodbye to Excel?
  • Deep Dive Digital: Python, SQL, and AI
Baku, 12 October
18:30 – 20:00
5 Keykab Khanim Safaraliyeva St
Holiday Inn hotel, Istanbul room
Registration time: 18:00 18:30

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    Master class speaker
    Digital Academy
    Error get alias
    Error get alias
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